Don't let your family or yourself down by putting off until tommorrow, what really needs to be done today.Use the following check list to assess the status of your home’s preparedness for a potential hurricane strike. Save your check list and refer to it during hurricane season.
Secure your home with protection for the door and window openings. Check your door and window shutters or protection equipment to be sure everything you need is on hand and in good working order. Realistically evaluate whether you will be able to put up the shutters in the event of a hurricane watch. If the shutters haven’t been used in a long time, have them inspected by a professional.
Retrofit your home where necessary. Areas to check include the roof to wall connections, roofing materials, exterior doors, and garage doors.
Prune trees and heavy vegetation around your home.
Document your home and its interior contents with photos or a video to support insurance claims. Store a copy in a safe or safe deposit box, along with copies of important documents.
Assemble supplies in water tight containers. Suggested items include:
First aid supplies and medicines for your family and any pets;
Water, at least one gallon daily for each person for 3 to 7 days, plus additional water for any pets;
Non-perishable canned and packaged food, and pet food; manual can opener and bottle opener; paper plates, cups and utensils; paper towels, resealable plastic bags and garbage bags;
Flashlights and radio, extra batteries, basic tools and duct tape, matches and lantern;
Rain gear, extra clothing, sturdy shoes, and blankets;
Chlorine bleach to use as a disinfectant, moist towelettes, personal toiletries, and toilet paper;
A duplicate set of keys and copies of important documents, such as insurance policies, medical records, Social Security card, bank account numbers, and credit cards;
Pet supplies, identification and immunization records, leash, muzzle and carrier.
Talk to your family about what you will do if a hurricane is predicted to hit our area. If it is necessary to evacuate, plan where you will go, and what route you will take.
Include caring for any pets in your planning.
Determine the safest area of your home in which to wait out a storm, in the event that an evacuation is not necessary.
Designate an out-of-area contact person.
Monitor the storm’s progress on local TV, radio, or online at the National Hurricane Center website,
For information on how we can help you secure your home and family from the next sever weather threat please visit our website Folding
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